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Nanjing Chemical Construction Co., Ltd. was established since April 1956, and was the former Shaft Engineering Company directly under the Construction Bureau of Ministry of Heavy Industry, the No.5 Engineering Company under Chemical Ministry, the No.8 Chemical Construction Company under Chemical Min
NCC has been rewarded for straight 20 years as Contract Honoring and Creditable Enterprise with AAA Credibility and A Tax-paying Credibility by the government department of Industry and Commerce. NCC head office has 11 functional departments and has 31 regional sub-company, project management team,
Chinese Construction Luban Prize (National Excellent Project) 300kt/a Ethylene Plant of YPC is a national key construction project. The cracking furnace, quenching unit, compression area, cold area, hot area, cracking gasoline hydrogenation area, finished product tank farm, cooling tower, wastewater
Over the past 50 years, NCC has undertaken over 600 large and medium size projects at home and overseas with our footprints left all over 29 Provinces, Municipalities or Autonomous Regions at home and more than ten countries across the Asian, African and European Continents. NCC is a National Excell
To report company news at first time, promote enterprise culture, spread voice of NCC and build a bridge of communication for cultural development of enterprise.
Tel:(025)57791561 Fax:025-57794567 Zip:210044 Address:No. 229 Yangxin Road, Luhe District, Nanjing, China E-mail:zjb@njncc.com
Software copyright we have obtained
序号 | 名称 | 类型 | 登记号 |
1 | 新型化工材料生产系统检测测试软件 | 软件著作权 | 2014SR017805 |
2 | 节能型石油化工装置自动化信息管理系统 | 软件著作权 | 2014SR017807 |
3 | 离子膜烧碱生产系统优化自控软件 | 软件著作权 | 2014SR017820 |
4 | 大型设备吊装模拟分析软件 | 软件著作权 | 2014SR016698 |
5 | 管道生产设计一体化管理系统 | 软件著作权 | 2014SR016666 |
6 | 大型煤化工生产装置自动化控制系统 | 软件著作权 | 2014SR017042 |
7 | 南化建油气回收系统监测软件 | 软件著作权 | 2014SR016681 |
8 | 南化建污水处理检测监控系统 | 软件著作权 | 2014SR017806 |
9 | 余热回收装置自动化控制软件 | 软件著作权 | 2014SR017021 |
10 | 脱硫、脱硝装置运行实时监测系统 | 软件著作权 | 2014SR016671 |
11 | 大型钢结构设计分析管理软件 | 软件著作权 | 2014SR017660 |
12 | P6进度管理软件 | 软件著作权 | 2014SR017804 |
13 | 大型设备吊装模拟系统 | 软件著作权 | 2014SR016724 |
14 | 新型硫工艺生产管理系统 | 软件著作权 | 2014SR016867 |
15 | DCS系统检测监控软件 | 软件著作权 | 2014SR016970 |
16 | 管道预制设计管理系统 | 软件著作权 | 2014SR017065 |
17 | 管道无损检测管理软件 | 软件著作权 | 2014SR017018 |
18 | 化工装置自动控制和安全保护管理软件 | 软件著作权 | 2014SR017019 |